Saturday, August 4, 2012

Waiting for God's Best (._.)

                                                  Waiting for God’s best                     

Psalm 39:7 And now, Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in Thee

How long have you been waiting? How long have you been praying for the love of life, the knight of the shining armor? Have you slept with tears vented and bitterness within, feeling that God had let you down? One author asked, “Have you ever considered the reality that God sometimes loves you too much to give you what you asked for? God may have kept you safe from the time you thought He was indifferent to you; God may have someone best from the time you thought you found the better. Imagine those messes that God have delivered you from. Is God not omnipotent enough to see what’s best for you? God’s will is so much better than your will. “Better than I, as the song goes. “ I was led off thinking what my Christian friend has told me lately, “ Put God the center of your life, stay closer to God and He won’t let you down. “ Surely, it makes me smile.
“Single yet preparing. Singleness is not a fault. It’s one way how God spends time with you. Single or not, surely there’s a reason for the status you’re in right now. It’s for you to discover the purpose lies in it. Allow God to direct your life. “Dance with God and He’ll let the right guy cut in”.

I dont give up on love, im just waiting for someone to actually prove to me the word love.

I am definitely moved by this thought. No matter how impossible the thing is, if we pray without ceasing then we don’t have the reason to quit because God is faithful to His promises and He does promise to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) .

“ You are God’s child, and no matter how grim the circumstances of your life may appear to be right now, you can find comfort and peace in the assurance that God is still in control ( H. Sala ). “  

And God added, we should stay courageous and hopeful, as to wait patiently on God because He wills your best, in due time and in His time, God will surely answer your longings and fill in the emptiness and sadness creeping in your life. But God wants you to experience His presence first. He wants you to fully know who Jesus is, He wants you to fully surrender and trust everything in Him, and in every aspects of your life. He wants you to be ready when the right man comes. He wants to make you new and whole, that the right person He has been preparing for you would be proud and bless God, the Creator. God knows your emptiness and He knows your heart’s desires, your need is not hidden from Him. He surely listens. God will fill you in that’s why He wants to be with you and He wants you to know that while waiting, you must submit to His presence first and build closeness with Him so when you meet the right guy, you’re not broken nor empty and you’re ready to love as what God impressed on you. God prepares your heart, make things ready for you to love and be loved. God loves us unconditionally. We love because He first loved us.  God wants to help you pick the right partner like becoming you the right partner first. “Being the right person is as important as marrying the right person. “ Knowing your worth and value keeps you warm and fulfilled while single. Submitting your will to the will of God makes you even inspired. “I’d rather be in the will of God and single than out of the will of God and married. “ When you make doing the will of God your goal, God will bring into your life the people whom He would have you to meet. Don’t feel sorry for being single, In fact, Singles can do many things that married people can’t. Don’t belittle yourself and don’t deprecate your value. Spend time pleasing the Lord as married people spend time pleasing a mate. And oh, yes, loneliness strikes. Moreover, loneliness is probably our greatest struggle, worst ill as it is described by Mother Teresa but do not lose heart. Christ Friendship will drive away loneliness. We are expert of loneliness because we hurt. Being hurt is terrible. However, “God knows the anguish of your loneliness and hurt, He cares infinitely more deeply than you can comprehend. “ You’re not alone. Spread your wings and prepare to fly, go, find someone else who is lonely and needs a friend. Encourage one another. That’s how you fight it. Enjoy your singleness with Christ. Bitterness creeps in but God is ready to listen when you cry it out to Him, so don’t be sad thinking no one loves you because it’s not really true. God says “I love you. “ Ask God to be the LORD of your life. 

God is with you and He repeatedly promised that, so cheerfully wait and be of good courage. Nothing in this world that God can’t give you. God owns the world and you are His child, whatever you ask in His name will be given.  "John 14:13-14 (NKJV)13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. " Therefore, wait patiently and pray unceasingly. Additionally,Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Wait happily. Don’t put your happiness on people but on God, or else you’ll get disappointed. God will give you His best in a perfect timing.  John 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
Stay where God is !! A right relationship with God will bring you to what you desires most.  Your closeness  with the Lord, our God, makes Mr. God's best loves you as God loves the both you !

A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her. "

(Some Quotations were taken from Joyfully Single by H. Sala )